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Creating a trial template

The Advanced Tutorial continues directly from the Basic Tutorial.

Experimental design

In the Basic Tutorial, we created a simple picture matching “experiment” with a single trial and no real research question. In the Advanced Tutorial, we add our research question:

What is the time course of interpreting English agreement morphology, n particular the third person singular inflectional morpheme -s?

Experimental design:

  • 2 conditions: singular verb inflection and plural verb inflection
  • 4 experimental items per condition: 8 items total
  • Within-item: across participants, each item occurs in both conditions
  • Within-participant: every participant sees items from both conditions

The within-item, within-participant design results in an experiment with two lists/groups.

Experimental items:

group item sentence inflection
A 1 The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round plural
A 2 The deer runs in a wood which is extremely dense singular
A 3 The sheep roam in a pen which is strikingly blue plural
A 4 The moose walks in a park which is visibly new singular
group item sentence inflection
B 1 The fish swims in a tank which is perfectly square singular
B 2 The deer run in a wood which is extremely sparse plural
B 3 The sheep roams in a pen which is strikingly red singular
B 4 The moose walk in a park which is visibly old plural

The corresponding images:


Trial templates

Each iteration of the Tutorial experiment has four items and thus four trials.

We could copy-and-paste the "experimental-trial" trial code multiple times and change variable names as necessary, but this method is not recommended for several reasons:

  • Prone to copy-and-paste errors, like forgetting to change a source file name.
  • Difficult to make changes to general trial structure, because each copy-and-pasted trial must be updated individually.
  • Greatly increases overall length of experiment script.

Instead, we’ll use the global command Template to define a trial template.

A trial template, as its name suggests, is a template for creating trials. In other words, a trial template is a sample trial that is partially complete, and has some values that will be added in “later”. In the trial template, these values are represented by variables. During the actual script evaluation, PennController fills in the value of the variables with values from a specified table.

Tables are CSV (comma separated value) files imported into an experiment page’s Resources folder, or defined within an experiment script (read the global command AddTable).

Trial template syntax

The Template global command has the following syntax:


Template("TABLE_NAME", row => 
        newX("ELEMENT_1", row.COLUMN_NAME)
  • "TABLE_NAME" is the name of a table.
    • If no table is specified, PennController defaults to the table whose name comes first in alphanumeric order.
    • If there are no tables, the entire trial template is skipped during experiment script evaluation. If the debugger is on, it will display an error message.
  • row is an array variable that contains the values of a table row.
    • This tutorial names the array variable row, but you can use the name of your choice.
    • PennController creates trials iteratively. In the first iteration, row contains the values of the first table row. In the second iteration, row contains the values of the second table row, and so on.
  • COLUMN_NAME is the name of a column in the table specified by "TABLE_NAME"
    • row.COLUMN_NAME is a variable whose value is the value in the specified table column, for a given iteration/row.
    • Use row["COLUMN_NAME"] instead of row.COLUMN_NAME if the column name contains special characters like spaces, commas, periods, or dashes.

Using a table

We’ll use the items.csv table, imported as a resource file in 1.1.3 Importing resource files, to fill in our trial template:

Note: You may need to scroll to the right to see all the columns.

group item sentence inflection audio duration singular_image plural_image
A 1 The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round plural 2fishRoundTank.mp3 2676 1fishSquareTank.png 2fishRoundTank.png
A 2 The deer runs in a wood which is extremely dense singular 1deerDenseWood.mp3 2650 1deerDenseWood.png 2deerSparseWood.png
A 3 The sheep roam in a pen which is strikingly blue plural 2sheepBluePen.mp3 2598 1sheepRedPen.png 2sheepBluePen.png
A 4 The moose walks in a park which is visibly new singular 1mooseNewPark.mp3 2546 1mooseNewPark.png 2mooseOldPark.png
B 1 The fish swims in a tank which is perfectly square singular 1fishSquareTank.mp3 2833 1fishSquareTank.png 2fishRoundTank.png
B 2 The deer run in a wood which is extremely sparse plural 2deerSparseWood.mp3 2650 1deerDenseWood.png 2deerSparseWood.png
B 3 The sheep roams in a pen which is strikingly red singular 1sheepRedPen.mp3 2755 1sheepRedPen.png 2sheepBluePen.png
B 4 The moose walk in a park which is visibly old plural 2mooseOldPark.mp3 2441 1mooseNewPark.png 2mooseOldPark.png

PennController automatically detects if a table has a column named group or list (case-insensitive). If such a column exists, PennController uses its values to subset the table rows into groups. If no such column exists, all of the table rows form a single group.

PennController’s internal counter determines which group is run, and by default the counter increases by one at the end of an experiment. The Tutorial experiment has two groups, meaning that the A and B groups are run in alternating order.

Although the items.csv table has eight rows (excluding the header), a participant sees only four trials, generated from either the A group or B group.

Creating a trial template


  1. Comment out the DebugOff command to re-enable the debugger.
  2. Create a trial template using the items.csv table.

// Type code below this line.

// Remove command prefix

// Turn off debugger
!// DebugOff()
@// code omitted in interest of space
@// Experimental trial
+Template("items.csv", row => 
!    newTrial("experimental-trial",
!        newAudio("audio", row.audio)
!            .play()
!        ,
!        newText("sentence", row.sentence)
!            .center()
!            .unfold(row.duration)
!        ,
!        newImage("plural", row.plural_image)
!            .size(200, 200)
!        ,
!        newImage("singular", row.singular_image)
!            .size(200, 200)
!        ,
!        newCanvas("side-by-side", 450,200)
!            .add(  0, 0, getImage("plural"))
!            .add(250, 0, getImage("singular"))
!            .center()
!            .print()
!            .log()
!        ,
!        newKey("keypress", "FJ")
!            .log()
!            .wait()
!        ,
!        getAudio("audio")
!            .wait("first)
!    )

Logging trial details

When we examine the collected data, it will be important to know which group was run, which lines in the results file belong to which items, and which verbal inflection condition each item had.

Use the log("COLUMN_NAME", VALUE) method to add a column to an experiment’s results file. The column is only added to rows that log information about the trial that the log method is called on.

  • "COLUMN_NAME" is the name of the column that will be added to the results file.
  • VALUE is the value that will be added to each row of the results file, in the column created by "COLUMN_NAME".

The log method and the log command are similar, but differ in important ways:

  • The log method adds columns, the log command adds rows.
  • The log method is called on a trial, the log command is called on an element.

Use the log method on the "experimental-item" trial to record the group, item number, and verbal inflection condition.

@// code omitted in interest of space
@// Experimental trial

*Template("items.csv", row => 
@    newTrial("experimental-trial",
@        newAudio("audio", row.audio)
@            .play()
@        ,
@        newText("sentence", row.sentence)
@            .center()
@            .unfold(row.duration)
@        ,
@        newImage("plural", row.plural_image)
@            .size(200, 200)
@        ,
@        newImage("singular", row.singular_image)
@            .size(200, 200)
@        ,
@        newCanvas("side-by-side", 450,200)
@            .add(  0, 0, getImage("plural"))
@            .add(250, 0, getImage("singular"))
@            .center()
@            .print()
@            .log()
@        ,
@        newKey("keypress", "FJ")
@            .log()
@            .wait()
@        ,
@        getAudio("audio")
@            .wait("first")
@    )
+    .log("group", row.group)
+    .log("item", row.item)
+    .log("condition", row.inflection)

If you run the experiment and open the results file, it should look like the following:

click to expand

Note: You may need to scroll to the right to see all the columns.

# Columns below this comment are as follows:
# 1. Time results were received.
# 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
# 3. Controller name.
# 4. Item number.
# 5. Element number.
# 6. Type.
# 7. Group.
# 8. PennElementType.
# 9. PennElementName.
# 10. Parameter.
# 11. Value.
# 12. EventTime.
# Columns below this comment are as follows:
# 1. Time results were received.
# 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
# 3. Controller name.
# 4. Item number.
# 5. Element number.
# 6. Type.
# 7. Group.
# 8. PennElementType.
# 9. PennElementName.
# 10. Parameter.
# 11. Value.
# 12. EventTime.
# 13. group.
# 14. item.
# 15. condition.
1602519682,SOME_MD5_HASH,PennController,1,0,experimental-trial,NULL,Key,keypress,PressedKey,J,1602519654681,B,1,singular,Wait success
1602519682,SOME_MD5_HASH,PennController,2,0,experimental-trial,NULL,Key,keypress,PressedKey,F,1602519657560,B,2,plural,Wait success
1602519682,SOME_MD5_HASH,PennController,3,0,experimental-trial,NULL,Key,keypress,PressedKey,J,1602519659832,B,3,singular,Wait success
1602519682,SOME_MD5_HASH,PennController,4,0,experimental-trial,NULL,Key,keypress,PressedKey,F,1602519662437,B,4,plural,Wait success

The sections that log information about the "instructions" and "experimental-trial" trial objects contain a different number of columns:

  • The "instructions" trial section contains only the 13 default columns.
  • The "experimental-trial" trial section contains the default columns, as well as the group, item, and condition columns added by the log method.