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What does (PennController.) mean?


Specifies a host URL to use as a source file for when calling creating a new Audio, Image, or Video element. The "URL" argument must end in "/".


  • You can pass multiple URLs (separated by commas) to the AddHost command, or call AddHost multiple times. PennController looks for multimedia files at the specified host URLs in the order that they were provided, and stops looking as soon as an appropriate file is found.
  • You can still directly pass a multimedia file URL when creating a new element, even if a host URL has already been specified by AddHost.




    newImage("ibex", "ibex.jpg")
    newImage("wait", "https://openclipart.org/image/300px/svg_to_png/23920/Anonymous-Sandglass.png")
    newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")

Prints two images and plays one audio file.

  • When loading the "ibex" Image element, PennController sends a request for the file https://files.lab.florianschwarz.net/test/ibex.png.

    If no such file is found, it sends a request for the file http://spellout.net/ibexfarm/static/images/ibex.png.

  • When loading the "wait" image element, PennController sends a request for the file https://openclipart.org/image/300px/svg_to_png/23920/Anonymous-Sandglass.png.
  • When loading the "sentence" Audio element, PennController sends a request for the file https://files.lab.florianschwarz.net/test/test.mp3.

    If no such file is found, it sends a request for the file http://spellout.net/ibexfarm/static/images/test.mp3.