⚠ This website is the beta version of the PCIbex documentation and is still under development. ⚠
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Adding a command

  1. Create a Markdown (.md) file in the appropriate collection: ./reference/_action-commands, ./reference/_test-commands, ./reference/_global-commands, or ./reference/_special-commands.
    • If the command is a standard command, the filename should begin with the prefix standard.. For example standard.print.md.
    • If the command is an element-specific command, the filename should begin with the element type. For example, button.click.md.
    • If the command is a global command, do not include the PennController. prefix. For example, AddHost.md and not PennController.AddHost.md.
  2. Include the following front matter:
     layout: command
     extended_description: (optional)
    • layout: The page layout; use layout: command.
    • title: The name of the command.
    • parent: The navigational parent page.
      • If the command is an element command, use parent: <ELEMENT_TYPE>. For example, parent: Audio element.
      • If the command is a global command, use parent: Global commands.
      • If the command is a special command, use parent: Special commands.
    • grand_parent: The navigational grandparent page.
      • If the command is an element command, use grand_parent: Elements.
      • If the command is a global or special command, use grand_parent: Commands.
    • syntax: The syntax for calling the command.
    • blurb: One sentence description of the command.
    • extended_description (optional) : An extended description of the command.
      • Printed in a column to the left of the element command TOC.
      • Use >- if the extended description has multiple lines.


     layout: command
     title: clear
     parent: Special commands
     grand_parent: Commands
     syntax: clear()
     blurb: Removes from the screen any element that was previously added during the trial.
  3. Add an example of the command:
     ## Example
     // example
    • “Example” should be a heading level two.
    • Add javascript to the opening code fence for syntax highlighting.