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Adding an element

  1. Create a Markdown (.md) file in the ./reference/_elements collection. The file name should not have any capitalized letters; if the element type name is “DropDown”, the file name should be dropdown.md.
  2. Include the following front matter:
     layout: element
     parent: Elements
     extended_description: (optional)
    • layout: The page layout; use layout: element.
    • title: The name of the element type.
    • parent: The navigational parent page; use parent: Elements.
    • thumbnail: The name of the element type thumbnail PNG. The PNG should be in the ./assets/elements folder.
    • syntax: The syntax for calling the newX function, where X is an element type.
    • blurb: One sentence description of the element type.
    • extended_description (optional) : An extended description of the element type.
      • If the extended description has multiple lines, use the block chomping indicator >- for proper formatting.
      • The extended description is printed to the right to the element command TOC.


     layout: element
     title: Audio element
     parent: Elements
     thumbnail: sample-element.png
     syntax: newAudio("ELEMENT_NAME", "AUDIO_FILE_NAME.MP3")
     blurb: Adds audio streams to an experiment.
     extended_description: >-   
       The `"URL"` argument can be omitted if:
       + The audio file has been uploaded to your experiment's **Resource** folder; or
       + The URL has been added as a default host URL by the command `PennController.AddHost`.
       By default, PennController preloads all resources, which means that an experiment will not start until the audio stream is stored in the browser’s cache. For more information on audio streams, see [*HTML Audio*](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_audio.asp).
  3. (optional) Add any additional information about the element type. Unlike the extended_description, this content is printed as a full-width section under the element command TOC. text-placement

  4. Add an example of the element type:
     ## Example
     // example
    • “Example” should be a heading level two.
    • Add javascript to the opening code fence for JavaScript syntax highlighting.